A curated list of free SEND resources in the UK
Knowing where to look for FREE support and information for special needs children and adults can save you some time, especially if you don’t have much time to spare. For that reason alone, we decided to put together a curated list of websites that provide free support for parents, guardians and teachers of special needs children and adults in the UK.
Afasic provides a helpline for parents and carers. Afasic supports parents and carers with children and young people who have difficulties with listening, talking and understanding others. Their website has a great range of information, downloads, support group contacts and more.
The British Association of Paediatricians in Audiology (BAPA) was inaugurated in 2007 as an association of paediatricians practising audio-vestibular medicine. BAPA represents all paediatricians with an interest in children’s hearing.
Disability Grants
Help finding Disability Grants. The website provides accessible information on grants for students and parents of disabled children.
Down’s Heart Group
DHG is a national trustee-led charitable organisation providing advice, guidance support and information relating to heart problems associated with Down's Syndrome.
Family Fund
Family Fund is the UK’s largest charity providing grants for families raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people. Family Fund provides items and services to all low-income families in the UK raising disabled or seriously ill children.
National Autistic Society
National Autistic Society is the leading UK charity for people with autism (including asperger syndrome) and their families. They provide information, support and pioneering services for people with autism.
SEN Teacher
SEN Teacher is amongst the oldest teaching resource sites and has over 300,000 regular users. All learning materials are free to share and use in schools or at home. The Print tools on SEN Teacher allow you to create, adapt and share teaching resources for a wide-range of abilities.
Special Needs Kids
Special Needs Kids is a directory and shopping website to help parents and carers of children with special needs. Their website includes information on products and services for special needs kids, events, campaigns, support groups, respite care, clothing, equipment, toys, leisure activities and much more.
The Challenging Behaviour Foundation
The Challenging Behaviour Foundation was founded in 1997 by Vivien Cooper OBE. The National charity offers information and support to families and professionals caring for children and adults with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour.
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