Our Childcare Service Fees

Fee Structure

  • Permanent Positions
  • Initial Service Fee £250
  • 10% of the carer’s annual wage

A permanent position is anything where instructed to be a “permanent” placement. This is a placement that is ongoing for a period of time of, or longer than 6 months. The permanent placement fee is then calculated at 10% of the carer’s annual wage total.

  • Temporary Positions
  • Service Fee per month £250
  • Service Fee per week £100
  • Service Fee per day £35

Per Day: A daily rate is applicable to any arrangement of service(s) totalling less then 5 days within a 7-day week (Monday to Sunday). If services are booked for more than 5 days within a 7-day week (Monday-Sunday), you will be charged in accordance with the weekly service fee.

Daily services that are booked for an ongoing period (e.g. each week for more than one week), will be charged accordingly, either based on the weekly, monthly, or combination of service fees, depending on the period of time services are booked.

Per Week: A weekly rate is applicable to any arrangement of service(s) totalling a period of 5 days or more within a 7-day week (Monday to Sunday). If services are booked for a period exceeding 4 weeks (1 month), this service will be charged in accordance with the monthly service fee.

Weekly services that are booked for an ongoing period (e.g. every week for more than four weeks), will be charged accordingly, either based on a monthly or a combination of monthly and weekly service fees, depending on the period of time services are booked.

Per Month: A monthly rate is applicable to any arrangement of service(s) totalling a period of 4 weeks (1 month) or more. Services requested for a period of or exceeding 6 months, will be charged in accordance with permanent position role fees.

Monthly services that are booked for an ongoing period (e.g. each month for more than six months), will be charged accordingly, based on the permanent position service fees, depending on the period of time services are booked.

We will endeavour to provide you with the same candidate to cover arrangements for multiple and reoccurring bookings. Please note, where this is not possible, multiple candidates may be provided.<,p>

Child Carer Fees

  • SEN experienced (0-5 years) child carer - £10 per hour
  • SEN experienced (5+ years) child carer - £13 per hour
  • ABA experienced child carer (0-3 years)- £15 per hour
  • ABA experienced child carer (3+ years)- £18 per hour

Rates are calculated on an hourly rate basis for the services provided, these will be paid directly from the client to the candidate for all hours booked.

*Individualised pricing will be devised for overnight and holiday childcare.