Caring for children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)
esSENtial ABA Childcare have put together a few resources to help support parents and carers of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, or sometimes referred to as children with SEND.
What is SEND?
A child or person has SEN or SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which requires a special educational provision to be made for them. For example, If a child or young person has a greater difficulty in learning than most of the others of the same age group, or has a disability which prevents them from making use of facilities in mainstream schools, then they would be eligible for a special educational provision.
What is the SEND Code of Practice?
The SEND Code of Practice can be viewed here.
The SEND Code of Practice has been produced along with the Children and Families Act 2014 together. They both came into effect in September 2014.
The SEND Code of Practice, which applies to England, is for:
- headteachers and principals
- governing bodies
- school and college staff
- special educational needs (SEN) co-ordinators
- early years providers
- other education settings
- local authorities
- health and social services staff
The SEND Code of Practice provides guidance when supporting children and young people with special education needs and disabilities in England. The statutory guidance includes the following:
- Reference to the relevant legislation
- The principles in practice
- Impartial information, advice and support for parents, children and young people
- How to work together across education, health and care for joint outcomes
- The local offer
- Early years providers, schools and further education
- Preparing for adulthood from the earliest years
- Education, health and care needs assessments and plans
- Guidance when dealing with children and young people in specific circumstances
- Resolving disagreements
Under the SEND Code of Practice, all childcare professionals should be aware of their rights and responsibilities. Childminders or nursery workers delivering free early education for 2-4 year olds, must adhere to the code of practice.
There are many childcare professionals who care for children and young people with SEN and disabilities. Some children may already be diagnosed with a condition before working with a care professional, however, sometimes a childcare professional may be involved in helping to identify a condition or special educational need or disability.
Childcare professionals provide valuable support to families and guardians of children with SEND. They will interact with the child and make observations which can help in diagnosing a condition or making life a little easier for the child.
esSENtial ABA Childcare is a professional SEND recruitment agency that aims to help parents and guardians of special needs children in the UK.
We help parents find and hire experienced special needs care professionals that can provide short respite care, or help with ongoing daily care. Contact us today and see how we can help you.
Read next: A curated list of free SEND resources in the UK
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